Individual Status Update

Hello, I am trying to update the status of a prospect and althought the transaction succeeds, the prpperty is not updated. Am I missing something? Response message: { "Message": "success", "Individuals": [{ "id": 6887479, "href": "/individual/details/6887479", "name": "ryan smith", "community": "MJH002", "type": 3, "isduplicate": true, "message": "ryan smith is a duplicate and has been merged", "properties": [{ "property": "status", "status": "Saved", "message": "Property was saved successfully" }] }, { "id": 6887480, "href": "/individual/details/6887480", "name": "trevor smith", "community": "MJH002", "type": 1, "isduplicate": true, "message": "trevor smith is a duplicate and has been merged", "properties": [{ "property": "status", "status": "Saved", "message": "Property was saved successfully" }] }] }

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